Best Insurance Companies In Arizona

top insurance brokers

We’re going to give you a list of the top three insurance agencies in Arizona. Notice when we go down this list of the top three, we will not include any captive insurance agencies. Those are ones that can only…

What Coverage Should I Get For Home Insurance?

Home Insurance Tips

Today, we are going to discuss five coverages that you should consider when you’re looking for a quote for homeowners insurance. Are you ready? Let’s go. Dwelling Coverage The first coverage we’re going to talk about is dwelling coverage. This…

Common First Time Homebuyer Mistakes To Avoid

buying a home

We sat down with Craig Shumway, a realtor in Gilbert, Arizona to ask him about some common mistakes that people make when buying a home. Review these mistakes and you’ll be better prepared when you go to purchase your home.…

Big Bank vs Small Lender Mortgage

We met with mortgage broker, Jared Halbert. We asked him one single question – Should I use my bank or a mortgage broker for my home loan. Below is the transcript to his response. That’s a good question, and some…

Email Scams & Cyber Insurance

cyber insurance

There are thousands of email scams being sent out daily. You know the ones – the Nigerian Prince that wants to gift you $500,000, you just have to follow their instructions and send them a small payment of $5 so…

What Is Cyber Insurance?

cyber insurance

What is cyber liability insurance, and why do you need it? Do you even need it? We’re going to discuss all those things today. And then, at the end, I’m going to give you a few tips that you can…

Best Insurance Companies For 2022

best insurance companies (1)

What’s the best car insurance? What’s the best homeowners insurance? Why are they the best insurance company? And what things should you be looking for when trying to find the best insurance company for 2022? We compiled lots of information,…

7 Tips To Save Money On Your Taxes

save money on taxes

We interviewed Tyler Hamelwright with Mesquite Tax, LLC. He gave us 7 money saving tips that you can implement today. Below is a transcription of our conversation. Tip 1 – Tax Withholding The first thing is make sure that your…

Why Do Auto Insurance Rates Keep Increasing?

car insurance quotes

Car insurance premiums are going up and up and they are showing no sign of stopping anytime soon. COVID and the pandemic has played a huge role in this as well as a number of other factors, partly related to…

What Is Medicare & Where Can I Buy It?


What is Medicare? Medicare is health insurance that the government provides once you turn 65 or if you have a disability before the age of 65. Who do I buy Medicare From? Who do I buy Medicare through if I’m…