
A core value of ours is consistency. We want to give our clients the same customer experience every time, regardless of who they are speaking with. We accomplish this by following the process. Follow the process every time.

Find Your Process Below

Heritage Service

1.Answer the phone:

“Thank you for calling Heritage, this is ____________. How can I help you today?”

2.Pull up customer in EZlynx.

3.Verify phone, email, and address.

4.“Thanks for verifying. We just want you to know we really appreciate your business.”

5.Start a note in EZ. Create a task.

6.If this is a customer request you are going to be completing over the phone:

  • Look through their policy and see if there are areas to cross-sell or make coverage improvements.
  • “As I go through your policy I’m going to review coverages with you and review all of your discounts. Are you ok with that?”
  • You do not have to read off every coverage to the client just point out areas that could be improved or policies that might be missing.
  • Complete request in carrier site
  • Recap with customer and set expectations.
  • Be sure to be very specific here: Just to recap we removed x vehicle from your x policy.
  • Make notes and add appropriate labels.
  • Assign task to auditor with due date of 2 days out.

7.If this is a customer request you will need to send to processing:

  • Look through their policy and see if there are areas to cross-sell or make coverage improvements.
  • “As I go through your policy I’m going to review coverages with you and review all of your discounts. Are you ok with that?”
  • You do not have to read off every coverage to the client just point out areas that could be improved or policies that might be missing.
  • Answer questions/Reassure customer.
  • Recap with customer and set expectations.
  • Be sure to be very specific here: Just to recap we will be removing x vehicle from your x policy.
  • Make notes and add appropriate checklists and labels.
  • Assign task to processing.

8.If this is a cancellation:

  • Pull up cancellation form and follow.
  • Text/Email link to customer.
  • Assign task to Processing for the same day.
  • Recap cancellation request and set expectation that they will need to click on the link, sign electronically and then when we get that back we will process the cancellation and send out confirmation to you via email.

On call:

Hi _________________. This is _________________ from Heritage. How are you today? I’m calling today because there have been recent changes to the way insurance companies classify wildfire zones and your home at ________________________now falls in one of those zones. 

This means you’ll need to find a new home insurance company.  

We’ve quoted your home with all of our insurance companies and unfortunately, don’t have any options.  

We want to give you as much time as possible to find new insurance for your home which is why we are reaching out now.  

You will get or may have already received non-renewal documents from __________ carrier. Some of our clients have been able to get policies through State Farm so we have formed partnerships with a local state farm agent. I would be happy to text or email over their contact information to you.  

Your policy will expire on ___________. You need to find a new policy by that date.  


Arizona State Farm Agent 

Dondrell Swanson  



Washington State Farm Agent 

Craig Romney 



*When you get off of the call be sure to start the manual workflow called Wildfire Workflow. It will create a task for you to send out the state specific email template and will create a task for a year out to follow up with the customer. 



Hi _________________. This is _________________ from Heritage. I am calling today regarding your home policy for __________________________(address). Please give me a call back at 253-638-8142. It’s important that we talk within the next few days. Thank you!  



  • Create a task to follow up in 2 days
  • If no response, call again
  • If no answer, start manual Wildfire Workflow

Time off Requests

  • Check the calendar in Teams
    • Go to the calendar in Teams and if the day is open, go to the next step
  • Request time off in ADP
    • Here is the link to a video of how to request time off in ADP:
  • Approve or Deny
    • You'll be notified via email from ADP if approved or denied.
    • If denied, go back into calendar and find another date and submit another request on ADP. 

*** We will make every effort to accommodate time off requests, but there will be times when time off requests will be denied.Please request time off early!


Unscheduled Time Off

  • If you are sick or cannot work for an unexpected reason:
  • Send an email to Kiersten (and manager if applicable) as soon as you know you are not working that day. As many details as you can share are appreciated as it helps us plan and adjust to your absence. 
  • If you are hourly, please include in the email if you want your PTO to apply to this time off. 

Initial Re-shop Process:

Customer requests a re-shop by phone/email/text:

"We would be happy to take a look at your policy. I will get it over to our re-shop team and they will reach back out to you within the next 5 business days."

Add note and create task for re-shop manager due in one day. 

Guidelines for Re-shop Manager:

  1. Did they recently have an accident or ticket (within last 6 months to year)?
  2. Did their premium go up by less than 10%?
  3. Do they only have 1 line of business?

-If you can answer YES to any of these questions, you will NOT re-quote and will send nothing better email:

Template name: We've re-quoted and there is nothing better (1 Steps)

-If you answer NO to all of these questions, you will assign to quoting deptarment to requote and adjust due date to 2 days out. 

Quoting Department Process:

Run quotes in EZlynx

If there is something better

Heritage | Cross-sell Workflows 

  • Cross-sell | Auto no Home | Heritage  
  • Cross-sell | Home no Auto | Heritage  
  • Cross-sell | Home and Auto no umbrella | Heritage  

Uno | Cross-sell Workflows 

  • Cross-sell | Auto no Renters | Uno  
  • Cross-sell | Renters no Auto | Uno  

 Cross-sell guidelines | When to send:  

Anytime you see someone that matches one of these scenarios, you can send out automation.  


  • A similar communication has been sent out in the past 6 months 
  • A note in EZ tells you not to send it our you see a reason why the don’t have that additional line of business with us.  
  • You see information from the audit that signifies it’s not a good idea to send it (i.e. bad interaction) 

Heritage | Coverage Improvement Workflows 


  • Coverage Improv | Heritage | Auto Liability Limits 
  • Coverage Improv | Heritage | Auto Medical payments  
  • Coverage Improv | Heritage | PIP  


  • Coverage Improv | Heritage | Water backup  
  • Coverage Improv | Heritage | Home Better liability limits  

Uno | Coverage Improvement Workflows 


  • Coverage Improv | Uno | Auto Liability Limits 
  • Coverage Improv | Uno | Auto Medical payments  
  • Coverage Improv | Uno | PIP  

Coverage improvement guidelines | When to send: 

There may be multiple options to send here. Choose one that you feel is the most obvious and necessary. Don’t send the same communication more than once every 6 months. However, you can send different communications once a month.  

  • Auto Liability Limits 
    • If their limits are lower than 250/500 
  • Auto Medical payments  
    • If they don’t have any coverage 
  • PIP 
    • If they don’t have any coverage 
  • Water backup  
    • If they don’t have any coverage 
  • Home Better liability limits 
    • If they have less than $500,000 

When someone responds to an email or text:

Depending on the email that was sent out, apply the appropriate label in EZLynx when someone responds (this helps us know how effective the campaigns are). Below is a list of the labels:

  • ME - Auto no Home
  • ME - Auto no Renters
  • ME - Home & Auto no Umbrella
  • ME - Home no Auto
  • ME - Renters no Auto
  • ME - Water Backup
  • ME - Auto Liability
  • ME - Home liability
  • ME - PIP

Non-Renewals notices that come in from Carriers:

  • Assign to AM 60 days out
    • AM will call out to make customer aware of non-renewal and to completed renewal review at this time. Assure customer we are going to be running quotes and working to find another option for them.
  • AM assigns to Kaydee to reshop with a due date of 3 days out.
  • Completed reshop gets assigned back to AM to communicate with customer.
    • If something better, present that to the customer and get new policy started.
    • If nothing better, then call customer and refer them out if possible or help point them in another direction.

Carrier Service Centers

Customer Number: 800-876-5581

Agent Number: 877-776-2436

Additional Information: Progressive is not a true service center, meaning our agency doesn't have a dedicated line directly to Progressive. We are using their general customer service number.

  • They are open 24/7. 
  • Customers can call to make a change, file a claim, make a payment, etc

Customer Number: 866-272-3326

Agent Number: 866-272-3326


Additional Information: When warm transferring a client, call the agent number, this will get you through faster. 

Once a client calls once, the system will recognize their number and associate it with their profile and policies. 

The service center can handle all customer needs. 

Customer Service Number: 877-872-8737

Agent Transfer Number (fast path number): 866-933-7287

Additional Information: When warm transferring a client, use the agent transfer number, this will get you through faster. 

Their service center can handle all customer needs. 

Heritage Sales

  1. Begin proposal. Be sure to add life insurance under the optional coverages section of the proposal. 
    • Use the life insurance look-up table here to get the monthly premium.  RA Proposal
  2. Finish proposal. 
  3. Download pdf for each line of business quoted, including the premium pdf.  
  4. Combine all pdf’s into 1, include the premium pdf as the last page.  
    • You can go here to do that.  
  5. Edit the pdf premium page 
    • Under “optional coverages” change “premium” to read “Monthly Premium” 
    • Change “company” to read “coverage amount” 
    • See an example here 
  6. Email proposal to prospect in AZ 
    • Use template called Sending Proposals – Heritage
    • Attach pdf with quotes 
    • Send email 
    • Make notes in AZ 

When their limits aren’t high enough for an umbrella, we still send the umbrella quote. We just send two quotes: 

  1. One that is the normal auto and home & life (at lower limits they requested).  
    • Save this pdf as “Requested Quotes”.
  2. Another one that has auto, home, umbrella & life (with limits that umbrella requires).  
    • Save this pdf as “Recommend Quotes”  

When adding second proposal in RA, make the following notes under each line: 


In this quote, I've adjusted your liability limit to $500,000. This quote includes an umbrella policy. In order to qualify for an umbrella policy, your limit of liability on your home must be $500,000 or higher. 


In this quote, I've adjusted your liability limits to $250,000/$500,000. This quote includes an umbrella policy. In order to qualify for an umbrella policy, your limits of liability on your auto policy must be $250,000/$500,000 or higher. 


Umbrella policies are something we always recommend. They offer coverage above your normal liability limits on your auto and home policies. For the limited price, the added coverage and protection is well worth it. Please reach out if you want to discuss umbrella insurance more. 

When sending the proposal in AZ, use the following template:  

Sending Proposals With Umbrella Option - Heritage 

Times we don’t send out a proposal with RA 

  • Commercial 
  • Non-owned 
  • Existing Client 
  • Recreational vehicles 
  • Mobile homes 

***When we don’t send an RA quote, we still always include 3 lines***

Life Quote

When you send a life quote by itself, use the below template and attach it to the email: 

Life Proposal.pdf 

Use the life insurance look-up table here to get the monthly premium.  

Other lines

Use this document to include other lines (such as home) when you can't produce an RA quote. 

Quote Template


Quality Conversations:

What makes a quality conversation?

  • Qualification
  • Cross-sell automatically offered
    • This is accomplished through educating the client
    • Example scenario below


  • We still mention life every time. Use the table and go over on the phone or send the life quote, every time.
  • For Uno, we add the renters every time, just quote it and present it.
  • For Heritage, if they have 250/500, quote the umbrella every time.


Example of educating that leads to cross-sells:

Years ago, a woman called needing a car insurance quote. She requested basic liability limits but mentioned she wanted "full coverage" because she drove her kids and their friends around daily. Instead of making a quick sale, I took the time to explain that her desire to protect her children required higher liability limits, not just the state minimum and also UM/UIM. I clarified/educated that "full coverage" (comprehensive and collision) wouldn't protect her children in an accident.

This educational approach earned her trust immediately, allowing me to sell a policy with higher liability limits. By listening to her concerns and providing relevant information, I  became an advisor rather than just a salesperson.

I then asked questions based on her priorities:

"Since you care about protecting your children, have you considered what would happen if your auto policy's liability limits weren't enough to cover a severe accident's medical bills?"

This conversation naturally led to discussing an umbrella policy, highlighting how understanding and addressing her needs could uncover additional insurance opportunities. By focusing on education and genuine concern, I turned a simple quote request into solutions to her main concerns. Clients respond positively when they feel understood and supported.

What’s the next line of business I could have cross-sold to her?

  • Need to get licensed 
  • Can dedicate 2 hours each week on company time 
  • No more than 30 minutes at a time during work hours 
  • You’ll have the video-study package. 
  • All others (key-man, universal, whole life, etc.) get referred to Dawn and Highland to take over. 
  • You simply let them know that Dawn, our life insurance specialist, will be calling them to further discuss. You then email Dawn their information and what they’re looking for.  
  • Add a task to follow up and make sure things run smoothly with client.  
  • You get 25% commission on all policies sold, regardless of if you did it or if Dawn had to take over.  
  • On average, you will make $200 per sold policy for basic term.  

We send a life insurance quote with every quote we send. When we send an RA proposal, we include the life quote there (see "Preparing RA Quote Proposal" process). 

When we don't send an RA proposal, we use a stand alone quote form. 

When you send a life quote by itself, use the below pdf and attach it to the email: 

Life Proposal.pdf 

Use the life insurance look-up table here to get the monthly. premium.  

There is a template in AZ called "Life Quote | Stand Alone | Heritage". Attach the pdf and use this template. 

This template can also be used for clients that you sold over the phone and didn't send the RA quote to. You can send this quote as a stand-alone quote. 

Estimated monthly premiums for a 20-year term policy with a face value of $250,000: 

For a Male: 

  • Age 20-30: $20 
  • Age 31-40: $25 
  • Age 41-50: $60 
  • Age 51-60: $140 
  • Age 60-70: $300 

For a Female: 

  • Age 20-30: $15 
  • Age 31-40: $20 
  • Age 41-50: $45 
  • Age 51-60: $110 
  • Age 60-70: $250 

Use this form with RA doesn't work. 

Heritage's Quote Proposal

When sending a home quote by itself: Use template called "Home Quote | Stand Alone | Heritage"

When sending an auto quote by itself: Use template called "Auto Quote | Stand Alone | Heritage"


  • What qualifies as a cross-sell? 
  • Calling the cross-sell list of existing clients and selling them an additional policy. If you sell a client 1 additional policy, that counts as 1 cross-sell, if you sell them 2 additional policies, 2 cross-sells, etc.  
  • When you sell a policy to a prospect that they didn’t initially request. 
  • What does not qualify? 
  • When a client calls or submits an online form and asks for additional lines, and you sell them all those lines.  
  • If they request it initially, it doesn’t qualify as cross-sell.  


  • Sell at least 5 in a month: Receive a $100 bonus 
  • Sell at least 10 in a month: Receive a $250 bonus  
  • Sell 15 or more in a month: Receive a $500 bonus 
  • Note: these bonuses don’t “stack”, meaning you don’t get $750 if you sell 15, you get $500.  
  • This resets each month. We’ll run for 3 months (July, August, September) and assess and make necessary adjustments.  

We must leave notes after all interactions with prospects and even more detailed notes after the sale. This protects us from an E&O standpoint and also helps service if they need to help a client after the sale. All notes can be left in Agency Zoom. Don't close out a prospect and move on until all notes are left. 

Required Notes:

Leave a note after you call a prospect:

  • "Left message for prospect to call me back"
  • "Called prospect, they asked me to call back at 1:00pm"
  • "Talked with prospect and discussed comp & collision on their 2006 Silverado. They decided to not include on the quote, they asked me to resend quote"

After a sale:

  • Carrier you put them with
  • Effective date
  • A brief summary of coverage conversations you had
    • Detail any coverage you recommended and they rejected
  • Any exclusions
  • Any underwriting discussions or approval
  • Overall summary of your interaction with them

Uno Sales

  1. Begin proposal. Be sure to add life insurance under the optional coverages section of the proposal. 
    • Use the life insurance look-up table here to get the monthly premium.  RA Proposal
  2. Finish proposal. 
  3. Download pdf for each line of business quoted, including the premium pdf.  
  4. Combine all pdf’s into 1, include the premium pdf as the last page.  
    • You can go here to do that.  
  5. Edit the pdf premium page 
    • Under “optional coverages” change “premium” to read “Monthly Premium” 
    • Change “company” to read “coverage amount” 
    • See an example here 
  6. Email proposal to prospect in AZ 
    • Use template called Sending Proposals – Uno 
    • Attach pdf with quotes 
    • Send email 
    • Make notes in AZ 

Times we don’t send out a proposal with RA 

  • Commercial 
  • Non-owned 
  • Existing Client 
  • Recreational vehicles 
  • Mobile homes 

***When we don’t send an RA quote, we still always include 3 lines***

Life Quote

When you send a life quote by itself, use the below template and attach it to the email: 

Life Proposal.pdf 

Use the life insurance look-up table here to get the monthly premium.  

Other lines

Use this document to include other lines (such as home) when you can't produce an RA quote. 

Quote Template

We send a life insurance quote with every quote we send. When we send an RA proposal, we include the life quote there (see "Preparing RA Quote Proposal" process). 

When we don't send an RA proposal, we use a stand alone quote form. 

When you send a life quote by itself, use the below template and attach it to the email: 

Life Proposal.pdf 

Use the life insurance look-up table here to get the monthly

Quality Conversations:

What makes a quality conversation?

  • Qualification
  • Cross-sell automatically offered
    • This is accomplished through educating the client
    • Example scenario below


  • We still mention life every time. Use the table and go over on the phone or send the life quote, every time.
  • For Uno, we add the renters every time, just quote it and present it.
  • For Heritage, if they have 250/500, quote the umbrella every time.


Example of educating that leads to cross-sells:

Years ago, a woman called needing a car insurance quote. She requested basic liability limits but mentioned she wanted "full coverage" because she drove her kids and their friends around daily. Instead of making a quick sale, I took the time to explain that her desire to protect her children required higher liability limits, not just the state minimum and also UM/UIM. I clarified/educated that "full coverage" (comprehensive and collision) wouldn't protect her children in an accident.

This educational approach earned her trust immediately, allowing me to sell a policy with higher liability limits. By listening to her concerns and providing relevant information, I  became an advisor rather than just a salesperson.

I then asked questions based on her priorities:

"Since you care about protecting your children, have you considered what would happen if your auto policy's liability limits weren't enough to cover a severe accident's medical bills?"

This conversation naturally led to discussing an umbrella policy, highlighting how understanding and addressing her needs could uncover additional insurance opportunities. By focusing on education and genuine concern, I turned a simple quote request into solutions to her main concerns. Clients respond positively when they feel understood and supported.

What’s the next line of business I could have cross-sold to her?

Estimated monthly premiums for a 20-year term policy with a face value of $250,000: 

For a Male: 

  • Age 20-30: $20 
  • Age 31-40: $25 
  • Age 41-50: $60 
  • Age 51-60: $140 
  • Age 60-70: $300 

For a Female: 

  • Age 20-30: $15 
  • Age 31-40: $20 
  • Age 41-50: $45 
  • Age 51-60: $110 
  • Age 60-70: $250 

Use this form with RA doesn't work. 

Uno's Quote Proposal

When sending a renters quote by itself: Use template called "Renters Quote | Stand Alone | Uno"

When sending an auto quote by itself: Use template called "Auto Quote | Stand Alone | Uno"


Workflow names:

Commercial | Cross-Sell | Cyber

Commercial | Cross-Sell | Umbrella



Anytime you see someone that does NOT have one of these policy/coverage types, you can send out automation.  


  • A similar communication has been sent out in the past 6 months 
  • A note in EZ tells you not to send it our you see a reason why the don’t have that additional line of business with us.  
  • You see information from the audit that signifies it’s not a good idea to send it (i.e. bad interaction) 



When someone responds to an email or text:

Depending on the email that was sent out, apply the appropriate label in EZLynx when someone responds (this helps us know how effective the campaigns are). Below is a list of the labels:

  • Cyber – CM Cyber
  • Umbrella – CM Umbrella
  • Auto – CM Auto