Medicare FAQ's & Information

Medicare supplemental insurance pairs with original Medicare (part A and B). Medicare supplemental insurance is also known as Medigap because it fills the gaps that original Medicare does not cover and is sold by private companies. Some of the remaining costs that Medicare does not cover would be things like Copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Supplements fill the gap and cover those items so when you go to a provider or use your insurance you typically don’t have to pay anything. However, Supplements do carry a premium. Additionally, Medigap plans do not cover everything. Generally they do not cover long-term care, vision or dental care, hearing aids, eyeglasses, prescriptions, or private-duty nursing. That is where Medicare Advantage comes in.
Medicare Advantage, also known as MA, is a bit different in that it feels very similar to an employer's plan; meaning when you have coverage through a job. Medicare Advantage is another way to get Medicare part A and B coverage. MA plans cover some of the things that Supplements do not such as prescriptions, dental, hearing, and vision. When you use your MA plan you will typically have a copayment. But, you either have no, or a very low, monthly premium for the plan.
Both Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans are great options but it depends on each individual for what is the best option for them. If you don’t use your health insurance much then MA might be better for you as you can save money. But let’s say you do use your health insurance quite a bit. Then maybe a supplemental plan is better for you.

Original Medicare, Parts A and B cover a variety of things. Part A covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing facilities, hospice, lab tests, surgery, and home healthcare. Part B covers doctors and other healthcare providers’ services, outpatient care, durable medical equipment, home health care, and some preventive services. Original Medicare alone leaves some gaps in coverage such as long-term care, dental care, eye exams and eyeglasses, dentures, hearing aids, and prescriptions. To fill the gap you can purchase Medicare Supplemental, or Medigap Insurance. Or, a Medicare Advantage plan.

You can enroll in Medicare online at . You can also apply in person at your local social security office. The cost for Medicare varies depending on your specific situation and income but for most people there is not a cost for part A and there monthly cost for part B for 2022 is $158.50.
how to apply for medicare
how to sign up for medicare

Medicare is a government health insurance program for people aged 65+ or people with disabilities. Original Medicare can be enrolled online or in person at your local social security administration office. For Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement plans you can enroll with a local broker or directly through one of the private insurance companies that offer such plans.

The cost for Medicare varies depending on your specific situation and income but for most people there is not a cost for part A and there monthly cost for part B for 2022 is $158.50. In addition to this cost if you purchase a Medicare Advantage plan or a Supplemental plan you would have a monthly premium to pay.

You can enroll in Medicare three months before, the month of, and 3 months after you turn 65. This is called your initial enrollment period (IEP).

Yes, your initial enrollment period (IEP) is when you become eligible for Medicare. Your IEP is 3 months before your turn 65, the month you turn 65, and 3 months after you turn 65. Outside of this, certain people younger than 65 with disabilities and those who have permanent kidney failure can enroll.

If you want health insurance, yes. Private insurance companies will not offer health insurance to someone who is eligible for Medicare.

You can enroll in Medicare online at . You can also apply in person at your local social security office.

You can enroll in Medicare online at . You can also apply in person at your local social security office.

You can enroll in Medicare online at . You can also apply in person at your local social security office.

Most Medicare advantage plans give an allotted amount towards hearing aids on a yearly or every other year basis. The amount given and time between uses varies by plan and carrier.